Monday, December 20, 2010

Mexico City 2wk Trip

Many of you know that on Nov. 29th - Dec. 12th, I spent two weeks in Mexico City. My goal was to prepare the groundwork to see what, where, how, and who will be involved in ministry. It has amazed me to see how God planned and prepared the events beautifully in place! I left Mexico, praising God for His Work!

Some day soon, I would love to share with all of you in person the details in regards to how it all turned out, but as for now, let me share with you a couple stories that took place during this trip.

Visiting Camino A Casa: Friday was the day set to visit the safe home that has rescued women and young children, I was excited to see the place I would soon work alongside. I came with Jarah and Ann (two missionaries working with me with Revive). It took about 1.5 hrs, not including the 30 mins waiting for Monse (another young missionary) who knew the exact location to get there. I don’t mind the travel, it actually was a blessing since I really got to hear the heart of Monse and her younger sister in serving these young women! The visit at Camino a Casa was short, since we all had plans for that evening. Our main goal was to lead the women to decorating their personalized journal so that they have something to write down their thoughts, feelings and prayers. Before this was set, we had free time to get to know these girls and to eat lunch together. One girl I met was from Guatemala, she struggled in reading and writing the Spanish language since she was fluent in an indigenous language. I don’t know how old she was, probably 15. Another girl sat across from her on the couch, she shared her love for God and how He has changed her life from being really rebellious and fighting to a loving peaceful life (this I could see in her). She shared how another girl likes to start fights and has asked her several times to fight, but she chooses not to now. She also shared about her boyfriend (boys are not allowed to enter the gates, so he waits outside). I don’t know her full story, I was there to listen and simply to get to know her personally. What I do notice is that both her emotional and mental maturity for an 18 year old was not normal for that age. God only knows why her development is a little slower, but for now, loving and listening is best! I also noticed the tough young woman, the one who has such a strong personality, who seems to get riled up over the little things. This one, just out of observing her brought me to wonder how her past, whatever it was, to cause such hostility and anger built up within her. Oh, how I want to love her! Will she allow me to? Another girl, ask for prayer, the following day (weekend) she was going to see her parents at a Christian retreat after 2 years apart… she looks about 15yrs old. These precious girls/women have blessed my Friday. I want to participate on a regular basis with these girls, love them, teach them, and be a role model so that they can seek and know God through my life. Please pray that God will provide the words/wisdom to love and serve them. They are precious in His sight and I want to effectively show them that Truth.

Reconnecting with Yenedith: I have met with Yenedith a year ago at a Christian event (Next Generation) held at a cafĂ©. Her mom, sister and little brother were there. I remembered I talked to her briefly. About a week later, a male student leader connected me with her, encouraging me that she needs someone to disciple her since she was about 6months in her faith and relationship with Christ. I gladly took that role and together we began a beautiful bond of love in God’s Word. The love and passion she has for God is fresh. Her testimony began with a miraculous healing of a fatal sickness she had and now she is studying to be a pediatrician to be a healing light to the young children. What a Caring HEART! Even through the hectic finals week, we met together for pizza and chatted. This semester has been very intense, but what still shines bright is how she so desires to follow and live her life completely for God. When I arrive in the end of Feb, I plan to disciple her deeper in God Word. Pray for God’s Truth to speak powerfully in her life and that we can devote a regular time set out to study His Word. I know that our bond is not a coincidence. Praise God!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Tijuana Weekend Trip

On Nov. 12-14, God blessed me to attend an evangelistic outreach with my church Cornerstone and New Life church. I am amazedhow God has and is uniting His people for the great work of bringing people to a love-commitment with Jesus Christ as their personal Lord & Savior. There were more than 15 people who accepted Christ during this event and several hundreds who received food, encouragement, hope, and God’s Word through the worship and preaching. I had the honor to pray with a fellow believer for a lady who made that eternal difference for the rest of her life. It is amazing how God has the harvest ready to reap.

Behold, I say to you, life up your eyes and look at the fields, for they are already white for harvest! And he who reaps receives wages, and gathers fruit for eternal life, that both he who sows and he who reaps may rejoice together (John 4:35-36).

Pray for the children that live in the daily struggle of poverty. While in Tijuana, I was amazed at how the young children came to my side to play and talk. I ‘adopted’ a nephew and many little siblings. They were such a joy to be with and to hear their stories. One girl of 16 years old shared how she was unable to go to high school because she fit in the cracks as an American but living in TJ because of her parent’s nationality. She wishes to become a singer and someday sing all around the world. Another girl and her family of 5 recently moved from Durango to Tijuana due to the abuse of women and young girls common in that community. Another boy hung around staring with big dark eyes unable to communicate clearly due to autism. I wish to say that he is getting the support necessary for his specific needs. A 12 yr old boy, stood by my side willing to help in anyway he could with the outreach event. This young boy sent out more than 300 tracks to the people walking nearby the area.

(My camera was not charged to take pictures while in TJ so the above pix is not my own).

Here is a youtube to have a visual of the ministry taking place in TIJUANA, MEXICO

It has been a WHILE!


My life is open and available to the directions, events, and people God is presenting before me to meet, know and love in preparation before returning to Mexico City. My schedule varies day in and day out.

  • · I have been blessed with a part-time bakery job.
  • · I have been available to serve, love and help those God brings my way.
  • I talk a lot about what God is doing both praise reports and challenges! For some reason, it just flows! I can’t be silent in the exciting journey God blesses me with!
  • I have been attending Leviticus Bible study and A Time to Heal course - both are super significant in my life!
  • · A yard sale has been set every Saturday for fundraising support for Mexico City AND for a dear friend’s moving to Oklahoma. If you want to participate in donation or your time, please contact me!!

Cobwebs to Clarity

Cobwebs to Clarity

I met with a dear friend within a break of free time due to such a busy month. As we sat, I began to share the updates of Mexico, ministry and how things have been coming along week by week. Within our conversation she began to question those tough questions reaching the motive of my heart, the focus for my future, the dilemmas in missionary work, etc. Cobwebs form when there are questions or thoughts unasked. My friend admittedly had cobwebs forming in mind. I am grateful that during that sitting moment, we cleared out the majority of the dirty work. I realize the significance in providing clarity to each one of you to what is going on in and through my life. It is a challenge when life seems to run at full speed in many directions. Help me help you. If there is anything I can help to clear out those cobwebs, I am willing to openly share with you all that is necessary for your clarity & understanding.

Something else that convicted me came through a sermon while driving home. The key verse, “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’: anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” found in Matthew 5:33-37. I want to be a woman of my word. I want you to know that you can trust me in all aspects. I have failed many times, I know. Those of you who are reading this may remember those moments when I have planned events and cancelled near the last days or hours. Forgive me in this ‘wishy washy’ attitude. By the power of God, I pray that the commitments I make in the future be significantly taken in seriousness.

Today, I commit to you in the direction God has placed me as a missionary for at least the next five years. I want to be completely honest with you that I never dreamed this for my life five years ago in the university. I know God has big plans in Mexico City and desires me to be used for His glory there. This is not to say that if God points to another direction or location, I wouldn’t go. I will be obedient to God’s direction as He wills. For now, I am committed for this journey. My human mind has a tough time trying to figure out how these next years may look, but I understand that by faith God provides and leads. I am 100% dependent on Him!

This is my first year away from Campus Crusade and my first step with Global Associates towards the direction of my vision: To bring love, hope, joy and God-given values so that there is restoration in the lives of the forgotten, the broken and poor children and young women in Mexico through the perfect, soul-reviving Truth and unconditional love of our Lord and Father God. I desire this by working through teaching, mentoring and service in organizations ministering to victims of abuse, poor, and orphaned children and hurting young women.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Real Short

Hey Everyone... to give you a brief brief update on life... I am in Long Beach CA now since Aug. 1st. It still feels fresh to me to be here. God has been so good to use my time in sharing, encouraging, and building the team of supporters for this next stage of life entering Mexico City. I am praying that God will allow me to leave in November 2010. May God receive all the glory whether I am in Mexico or if I am here in California. My life belongs to Him. He is worthy to trust and to honor!

Oct. 13- Craig (team facilitator/leader) and Fernanda (young woman I met at Starbucks, not yet a believer) arrive to CA!
Oct. 16th - speaking and Open House visit at Foursquare church (Craig will be there & Fernanda)
Oct. 22nd - Rod (friend and volunteer partner) arrives to Long Beach!
Oct. 23rd - Yard Sale!!! (support for Mexico City)

Pray that God leads and guides me in all aspects of life with wisdom, strength and love!
Thank you!

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Believing Misbeliefs

I am currently reading the book "Telling Yourself the Truth" by William Buckus and Marie Chapian and my conceptions on many common problems have changed for the good, PRAISE GOD! Since I am not completely done with it, I can´t provide the just of what it says, but from where I am at.

Be aware of what you tell yourself (self-talk)!!! Many many times people (me included) will put themselves into such a miserable state (depression, anger, anxiety, and other uggy feelings) with the statements they tell themselves. Devaluing self, devaluing situation, or devaluing the future events cause depressive thoughts. Ex. 1. Devaluing self = I am not attractive, I am not smart, I am nothing. 2. Devaluing situation = Since I lost my job, it is all over for me. Ugg, my sickness is untolerable! Devaluing future events = I am never going to get married. I will never be happy. Life is miserable. The more we tell ourselves these lies, the more we believe them and behave like them. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Prov. 23:7).

Why am I sharing this with you? Honestly, to set you free from the bondage of such lies. To help you realize that the spoken Word of God, the Bible, is true and will be the only shield of such lies! You can enjoy happiness, joy, and peace in whatever situation as long as you believe and hold dearly to what the truth says!!

There is so much more I am learning ... next chapter, Anger! Grrrrr!!


Hello, to those who follow my blogs! Each time I write, I seem to feel guilty for my lack of informing you of all that is going on and all that God is teaching me. There is just sooo much and if you personally know me, I have the tendency of going to and fro especially surrounded by people. To sit and write is a little stretch. So I ask now, for your forgiveness in this area. I will try to do better. With much love and thankfulness for your time! Melissa

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thoughts of a Missionary!!

What does it mean to be a missionary? It is one sent to share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Isn’t it very similar as being a Christian, one to follow the example and commands of Jesus (Christian = little Christ)? And didn’t Christ command each one of us to share the love of Christ and the truth when he resurrected into heaven? “Go, make disciples…”or the set claim that “…you will be my witnesses” no question about it!

To be honest with you my human, flesh, weak side, cries in fear when called to share Christ. I mean what if they reject me? What if they disagree with me and leave, never to talk to me the same as before? Deep within I want to be accepted by all people. Sharing God’s love and truth isn’t and won’t be accepted by everyone, but it is what I am told to do. It is a responsibility I know I have as a believer and follower of Jesus Christ.

As Christ followers, we are free from the burden of the fear of men. “Am I now trying to win the approval of men, or of God? Or am I trying to please men? If I were still trying to please men, I would not be a servant of Christ” (Gal 1:10).

As Christians, we are also accepted and loved. “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him." Or “For God so loved the world…” Jesus replied, "If anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching. My Father will love him, and we will come to him and make our home with hi” (John 14:21,23) and “Accept one another, then, just as Christ accepted you, in order to bring praise to Go” (Romans 15:7).

As Christ followers we commit our lives to Him, giving up our comfort so that Christ may be the one to lead and direct our every step. So then, “those who suffer according to God's will should commit themselves to their faithful Creator and continue to do good” (1 Peter 4:19). Right?
Do you realize that YOU have the answer to eternity? Do you realize that YOU can bring life to the dead? Do you realize the precious gift of Salvation YOU have? Perhaps, like myself, you never took that time to contemplate on it, wrapped up with the company/business of others, living the crazy busy life, or entangled by the love of this material world and not worry to share about ‘sin’ about the separation of God and man, and about eternal damnation. Do you realize how real it is? No more frosting on the cake! The truth is that the flesh does not want to tell others the gospel of Jesus because it must bring in the fact that all man are sinners, missing the mark of God’s perfect law, hated, despised, rejected by a HOLY and just God . In His perfect character he cannot accept the filthy rags that weigh us down. And yet there is good news! This is just the first step! Realize who you are and your failure before our Holy God, fall to your knees in humility, and then you shall find that there is One who freely offers the gift of life, Jesus Christ. This gift, to accept such an offer brings life, brings hope, brings inner joy and peace even when the world seem to fall apart.

Why stay silent any longer? You have the answer, trust God in prayer to open your mouth and speak of Jesus Christ. Believe it and live it out! Do not be afraid any longer. Christ, the Son of God had brought us the Holy Spirit to speak through us. Let Him do all the work. “Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us.” (Eph 3:20) Let it go and simply let God... relax in Him. For it is what he commands us to do! Share what you have, for eternity is counting on it!