Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Cobwebs to Clarity

Cobwebs to Clarity

I met with a dear friend within a break of free time due to such a busy month. As we sat, I began to share the updates of Mexico, ministry and how things have been coming along week by week. Within our conversation she began to question those tough questions reaching the motive of my heart, the focus for my future, the dilemmas in missionary work, etc. Cobwebs form when there are questions or thoughts unasked. My friend admittedly had cobwebs forming in mind. I am grateful that during that sitting moment, we cleared out the majority of the dirty work. I realize the significance in providing clarity to each one of you to what is going on in and through my life. It is a challenge when life seems to run at full speed in many directions. Help me help you. If there is anything I can help to clear out those cobwebs, I am willing to openly share with you all that is necessary for your clarity & understanding.

Something else that convicted me came through a sermon while driving home. The key verse, “Simply let your ‘Yes’ be ‘Yes,’ and your ‘No,’ ‘No’: anything beyond this comes from the evil one.” found in Matthew 5:33-37. I want to be a woman of my word. I want you to know that you can trust me in all aspects. I have failed many times, I know. Those of you who are reading this may remember those moments when I have planned events and cancelled near the last days or hours. Forgive me in this ‘wishy washy’ attitude. By the power of God, I pray that the commitments I make in the future be significantly taken in seriousness.

Today, I commit to you in the direction God has placed me as a missionary for at least the next five years. I want to be completely honest with you that I never dreamed this for my life five years ago in the university. I know God has big plans in Mexico City and desires me to be used for His glory there. This is not to say that if God points to another direction or location, I wouldn’t go. I will be obedient to God’s direction as He wills. For now, I am committed for this journey. My human mind has a tough time trying to figure out how these next years may look, but I understand that by faith God provides and leads. I am 100% dependent on Him!

This is my first year away from Campus Crusade and my first step with Global Associates towards the direction of my vision: To bring love, hope, joy and God-given values so that there is restoration in the lives of the forgotten, the broken and poor children and young women in Mexico through the perfect, soul-reviving Truth and unconditional love of our Lord and Father God. I desire this by working through teaching, mentoring and service in organizations ministering to victims of abuse, poor, and orphaned children and hurting young women.

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