Thursday, April 30, 2009

Acapulco (April 4-8th)

I am a bit backed up for sharing my little updates...

...For quick a view of the conference: This was the 2nd conference held in Acapulco. We had about 200 college students (double from last year) who arrived on April 4th at a very low price thanks to donations. Every morning and night, a speaker delivered a message and the worship band played upbeat worship music that brought hands uplifted, tears and dancing. For two afternoons, students had the opportunity to work in groups to visit the beach or nearby parks to evangelize (share God’s story). Another afternoon they traveled to specific areas to offer community service to orphanages, homes... With about 50 staff members to help put it all together, it turned out to be a success in organization and memorable creative ideas that left students with a fun, challenging and packed week! In the end, our statistics shows that students shared the Gospel 466 times and out of those, 66 received Christ!

For me, I worked in the inside more than out. My job was to help the speakers have all that they need – paper, supplies, etc so that their delivery runs smooth. Because of it, I made friends with Office Depot! I enjoyed serving and being the one to run back and forth. However, the part that I did miss was the interactions with those students that I invited and being outside on the front lines sharing the Gospel and love of Jesus. I understood that our job was to pass the torch to the students and to challenge them to take that step of faith without depending on our guidance. Like a parent, watching their child grow. You don’t want to let go, but you know that you must not only for their good, but yours as well. So out of love, I take that step of faith and obediently watched them grow! For it surely isn’t about me and what I do, it is all about them!!

Keep these students in your prayers...may the fire never die out!

Here is a video of Acapulco:

Swine Flu

Since Friday April 24th, life here in Mexico City took a drastic change! The night before, students were informed that all schools will be closed due to the epidemic of this swine flu. Swine flu is a respiratory disease and transmitted mainly by person-to-person through coughing or sneezing of infected people. The symptoms are about the same as a seasonal flu that may include fever, lethargy, lack of appetite and coughing. With this floating around in Mexico City, I choose to I take each challenge that comes with the best intentions knowing there is a purpose in everything. So what now?

Mexico City has been affected by this swine flu. First, and most noticeable, is the mask each person is recommended to wear to avoid getting others sick. Schools have been closed and small businesses have been recommended to close down until the epidemic goes away. Many restaurants and cafés don’t allow sit down anymore (not even Starbucks). Everything is take-out. The other is that on the news there have been deaths confirming to be from the swine flu. I believe this brings fear to many. I really don’t think death is the biggest problem Mexico is facing with this epidemic, more so it is the economy. Yahoo News reads, “Officials said Mexico City is losing $57 million a day amid a shutdown that includes schools, state-run theaters and other public places.”

Because of this epidemic and fear of the flu, Enfoque Mexico has been there to watch over us. That Friday I had several meeting with students, thinking that I can take precautions by watching where I go, who I contact with and keeping my distance from others. I left that morning planning to return early evening. During my meeting, I received the phone call to quickly leave and arrive home, that it wasn’t safe being outside in public using the public transportations. I must admit it was tough to say goodbye, knowing that this one day would probably not come again.

On April 28th we were informed that we will be quarantined till May 6th. I must admit, this is going to be a challenge, but I choose to take one day at a time enjoying it as best as God leads me. The 28th was a hard/sad day. Because of this influenza going around many of the STINTers are now choosing to leave a month or so before the designated date. I will miss you: Colby, Chris F., Chris C., Scott, Eric, and Aaron. It will be different now, but I thank you for your time, your love and your friendship!

Thank you for your prayers! May God bless you and keep you healthy (for I heard it has been found in the states as well).

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Spring Breakers!

Team 1 (March 7th-21st)

To recap what happened in March is a bit tough since it was about a month ago. I remember the first week, all teams excited and preparing ourselves for students to come! It took a LOT of preparation with the question…what are we going to do with them each moment of the day? And, how can they experience the full experience with a balance of fun, ministry and God? This picture is only 14 of the 33 that came that first week. For better use of each leader in the Enfoque Team, we each were in charge of a group for at least one day. Tuesday was my day! On this day we brought these students to ESEF. To begin, we already prepared the leaders, Matias and Laura, of our plans by telling them that they will be the ones to plan something for 14 students. They thought of some outside activities (physical). To begin, we were left waiting outside the gates of the school. The guards would not allow us in since we had no school ID. The communication between student leaders and office staff took about 30minutes resulting a visit in the director’s office. In my mind, I thought of a grim face man saying something along the lines of, “What is your reason for being here? I can not let you in, but only for today since you came a long ways…” Well, he did ask what our reason for being there, and we answered him and shared what group we represented, etc. Instead of kicking us out, he actually invited us to tell others in the US about this school. That he is more than willing to provide housing and meals for an entire month, for those students who plan to come attend his school. He then gave us all backpacks that had the school logo! We were all dumbfounded as we walked towards the field to begin playing with the students. There we met with many students. Some played volleyball, others basketball, others played field games, and the rest stayed at the benches talking and sharing. At the end, Matias said a couple words of thanks and how he is touched by the unity that Christians have no matter how many miles apart they are from the other! We prayed then headed out to eat. Instead of eating out, the director of the school paid for our entire meal in the cafeteria!! It was a full course meal already set for 30 people! … Can you agree that this moment was a God moment???

Team 2 (March 14th-21st)

The next huge team actually surprised us. See, the plans were that these students (Oklahoma, Montana, etc) will go to Puebla, Mexico and serve there for the week. However, they had planned to serve in Mexico City, NOT Puebla. Unfortunately, my team, the Oriente team, already had plans to serve Katie’s church of six this week. Because of that, I didn’t have much time with this large group as the other teams did. Even though the team was small, amazing things happened!

Below is a snapshot of what happened! We went to two of my schools, UACM and ESIME! Both times we had a chance to share the Gospel! Honestly, I get so pumped up whenever I share God’s love!

(SAD NEWS: I lost my camera in the same hotel the spring breakers were staying in the week before, so these pictures are all from others…I was so bummed!!)

Team 3 (March 21st-24th)

This last week was optional. We received an email about a month ago asking if we wanted to help Queretaro’s team during this last week. I did! I wanted to not only visit a new state, but to help in whatever way I can in the ministry there! I arrived Saturday with the four from Louisiana name Laquinta, Quirby, Lydia, and Megan. On Sunday we attended church (picture below).

There we got to know some more of the members of the team. We also had a chance to see a few consistent Christians from the weekly meetings. It was super cool! We ate, played games, learned a few tips about Queretaro’s schools and the ministry that they do there, and simply bonded!

On Monday we went to our first school, UAQ (University Automatico de Queretaro).

It was really enjoyable to talk to students and to invite them to the Tuesday night weekly meeting. Then when the opportunity opened up, we shared the Gospel!

Here is a scenic picture of the Aqueduct and the overview of the Queretaro! Truly it is a tranquil city with beauty and a cultural background!

We met this a new friend, on Tuesday at the Tec school nearby.

We invited him to the English club meeting (which promotes communication in English to others in a fun and welcoming way). He actually wasn’t interested, but after two invites, he decided to come for a “little” while. Funny thing, he didn’t leave until after we ate lunch (which was about four plus hours!!) Pray that he continues "hanging out" with the team!

That Tuesday night could not have been any better!! We had a HUGE result! The Queretaro Team said it was more than they ever had of students. In the picture below, we just filled the room! Praise God! The topic of this meeting was, “How to have/solve healthy conflicts.”

One of the bonus’ for coming after four times is hearing the Gospel in the room across the hall. Four young men had this opportunity to hear the Gospel. That night each one accepted Christ as their personal Savior!! Pray that they will devote their time in the follow up to learn more about what it takes to be a Christian.

My last day, Wednesday, we went to UAQ again and talked to students. I had the opportunity to share the Gospel to three girls. Again, taking the step of faith to share is the greatest joy anyone can have! It is sharing my love, my best friend, to others so they can also experience and enjoy this love! This night, we played a picture scavenger hunt with a group of students at the center of Queretaro. It was a LOT of fun! More than that, two students who were not Christians, but interested in the fun, committed to going to Acapulco!!

(share with you about this soon!)