Sunday, October 3, 2010

Real Short

Hey Everyone... to give you a brief brief update on life... I am in Long Beach CA now since Aug. 1st. It still feels fresh to me to be here. God has been so good to use my time in sharing, encouraging, and building the team of supporters for this next stage of life entering Mexico City. I am praying that God will allow me to leave in November 2010. May God receive all the glory whether I am in Mexico or if I am here in California. My life belongs to Him. He is worthy to trust and to honor!

Oct. 13- Craig (team facilitator/leader) and Fernanda (young woman I met at Starbucks, not yet a believer) arrive to CA!
Oct. 16th - speaking and Open House visit at Foursquare church (Craig will be there & Fernanda)
Oct. 22nd - Rod (friend and volunteer partner) arrives to Long Beach!
Oct. 23rd - Yard Sale!!! (support for Mexico City)

Pray that God leads and guides me in all aspects of life with wisdom, strength and love!
Thank you!