Thursday, February 25, 2010

Believing Misbeliefs

I am currently reading the book "Telling Yourself the Truth" by William Buckus and Marie Chapian and my conceptions on many common problems have changed for the good, PRAISE GOD! Since I am not completely done with it, I can´t provide the just of what it says, but from where I am at.

Be aware of what you tell yourself (self-talk)!!! Many many times people (me included) will put themselves into such a miserable state (depression, anger, anxiety, and other uggy feelings) with the statements they tell themselves. Devaluing self, devaluing situation, or devaluing the future events cause depressive thoughts. Ex. 1. Devaluing self = I am not attractive, I am not smart, I am nothing. 2. Devaluing situation = Since I lost my job, it is all over for me. Ugg, my sickness is untolerable! Devaluing future events = I am never going to get married. I will never be happy. Life is miserable. The more we tell ourselves these lies, the more we believe them and behave like them. "As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he" (Prov. 23:7).

Why am I sharing this with you? Honestly, to set you free from the bondage of such lies. To help you realize that the spoken Word of God, the Bible, is true and will be the only shield of such lies! You can enjoy happiness, joy, and peace in whatever situation as long as you believe and hold dearly to what the truth says!!

There is so much more I am learning ... next chapter, Anger! Grrrrr!!

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