Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Dia De Los Muertos

Nov. 1 & 2
Mexico has some strange traditions. I guess so does U.S. with Halloween. I seek for the reasons behind the event. What is the purpose for celebrating such an evil holiday? Halloween in the U.S. seems to be a reason for children to receive free candy from their neighbors as they dress up in something they aren’t. But even in the midst of innocent children having fun receiving free candy, I believe that it sugarcoats the evil that happens during that night. Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) is actually a big holiday here in Mexico. I learned in my Spanish class the significance of honoring their lost love ones, but never did I realize it was so big until this year. First of all, Day of the Dead is set on two days, Nov. 1st and 2nd. The belief is that the dead souls of loved ones come during the night (children on the 1st and adults on the 2nd). For the souls they provide food, flowers, and an altar with pictures. It is thought that through this process they will find rest. Some go to the extent of spending the night at the actual grave where the body was laid. Here are some pictures that I took at a college campus. I am guessing that they not only celebrate it at homes, but that set a carnival like event where students get to show off their work and understanding to those who pass by. The work is impressive, but the roots and the current beliefs is what tug my heart. Please pray for those who do not know, who have not heard of the hope we have in heaven through the knowledge and surrendering to Jesus Christ as Savior. Also, pray against the idols that seem to be worshipped to much around here! Just the other day they were honoring Judas’ day, the brother of Jesus!

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