Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Two awesome days!

Hello Again!
Great news! This Saturday we had our Passion reunion. Our main goal for this meeting was to invite students – Christians – who desire to make movement in their schools, by becoming leaders. Yes, it sounds scary to start spiritual movements in a secular school, but we believe that God is calling students to lead. And so…the results…about 35 students attended! I had aimed high, but praise God for these who committed to work in their schools. We will help them of course by encouraging them to have bible studies and prayer meetings at their schools. We will help them hold concerts, evangelism events, dramas, etc. to reach their students. Many of them have never done this before. Honestly, the only way they can make an impact in their school is through the leading and obedience of the Holy Spirit. So, please pray for these students. Pray for courage, wisdom, and discernment to persist in sharing the love of God to their campus.

Busy but awesome day today!
Last night, right away and out of the blue, I made plans to meet with two AWESOME people…well…I didn’t know them until today (Monday). The story of Sarai. Sarai was recommended by a friend, Jose Nolasco Garcia - a student leader. He told me to connect her since I am working in her school, UNAM Fes Zaragoza. I called her and after several text messages, we decided today at noon. I arrived and it was awesome! You can see her glow from the love that she has for God and the heart she has for her school. She even brought a friend/classmate with her, a Mormon, named Diego. As we sat and spoke of what Enfoque is, what I do, how I will be there to help, etc…somehow we started talking and sharing God’s love, law, and truth to Diego. It was truly amazing since he was very interested and asking questions. Well, when we got to the point of decision, he was a bit scared. I guess it makes sense to make such a decision since it is like giving your life completely to God, especially if you don’t know him THAT much and self has been in control for the past 25 years. Yes, I understand. We gave him an invitation to church this Sunday and the Four Spiritual Laws that explains the Gospel in short. Pray for him, it truly was a blessing to not only meet Sarai, but to see her share God’s love to him. My job is to encourage/coach students to lead and that was what was happening. I was there adding a little here and there, but SHE did the work! Overall, give the glory to God! He has opened Diego’s heart to hear. May the seed of the Gospel sink in deep so that he does make the decision to accept Christ as his personal Lord and Savior.
My other meeting today was with Edgar. I met Edgar briefly at Passion, invited him to the reunion on Saturday and he came! He also has a desire to share God’s love to those in his school by setting up a Bible study. His school is very secured, in which they don’t allow politics or religion to be spoken within its walls. Crazy huh? Well, it was nice to get to meet him, enjoy eating dinner at Chili’s, and learning more of the history of Mexico through the sites we saw. Cool stuff! Okay…well, I’m tired now! It has been a LONG day! Tomorrow, like every Tuesday will be filled with meetings (10am and 3:30pm).

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