Friday, December 18, 2009

Yenedith & Minelli

I would like to share two amazing blessings God has provided in my path: Yenedith & Minelli. these two young women are new believers, new creations, new followers of Jesus Christ, new sisters in the faith. To see their love for Christ is encouraging, powerful and priceless. As an "older" Christian in the faith, I have found myself surrounded by believers because the love of Christ bonds us together. It is absolutely beautiful, the strong connection there is of love. Then for those who do not yet know the Lord as their personal Lord and Savior, the mentality, perspective on life is so separate, different, it is a little more work to connect, but it can be done. For we are in this world to share Christ to those who don't know, to share what Christ did here on Earth and why! Now, I have been blessed, honored by assisting, guiding two students into the life of Christ. What a privilege, what a JOY!! It's like feeding hungry birds the worm, swallowing everything with great delight and eagerness. It's like sharing to young children an incredible action story, their ears are super attentive, their eyes are focused fully to the speaker! As a teacher, they are the best students one can ask! They do their homework, they learn their materials, they attend with anticipation of learning! God is their love and all they want to do is learn about Him and do/obey everything that is right and holy. Why? Because they realize that they owe Him (God), their life, their ALL!! (The pix above is of Minelli and I... I haven't taken a pix of Yenedith yet)

1 comment:

Terriann Knill said...

Hi Melissa :)

You are such a blessing to me :) Have a wonderful New Year!! I always love hearing what God is up to in Mexico and how He is working in and through you.... I will try to call ya soon, the past few weeks and Jan. are going to be super busy, but know that I am thinking and praying for you :)

love you!!
